my daily dose of surprice breAKfast by Mr.Chan, peanutbutter onwheatbread. Mr.Chan will have a variety of breakfast so look out for what i get everyday! everyday's a sunday. well.
coffee, nescafe instant. usually i make my coffee with the bodum french press but cos i was late for work, paiseh to spend my usual ten mins on coffee making so make do with nescafe~
lunch with marie. ah. it's nice to have someone ask you out for lunch. :)
at salma's who will be moving a bit further down.
malay rice- lessrice (i can't finish, nasi sikit!), kangkong, paru (someone told me it is cow's lungs, true? till now, i haven't confirm it) and telor, egg that is. yum.
plus teh ais.
almost forgot to take pict as you can see the food's half eaten...
dinner time!
oops. left out the drink.
drive-thru MAC. 20pcs nuggets, large fries, large iced lemon tea. okay i did not eat everything. split the meal with linabanana. hey it rhymes. ha!
while deciding what to write. i decided.
日本の時間!japanese time!
this is the latest kirin's autumn flavour.
found in meidi-ya.
oh and little yummylicious grape konnyaku/jelly.
okay. that's it for tonight.
good night people!
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