i took part in a car rally, the food trail type. team of three.
started off at mitsubishi alexandra showroom.
decided to use L's car since it's manual which means flexibility in speed and with L's skills, i doubt we have any problems overtaking tortoises.
well since it was a food trail, we decided not to eat too much for breakfast in case they want us to gobble food down. ha. turned out to be stuff related to food. and not eating them.
didnt take any photos during the 'race' since we were busy looking for directions and shoo-ing each other to complete tasks.
first stop- poison ivy's. J almost fainted when she saw a cabbage lying there for the challenge. "don't tell me i have to eat it!" exclaimed the vege hater.
luckily, we only had to peel it. chey. for once, i thought i get to see J eat veg.
second stop- dozo restaurant at alexandra. had to drive all the way back from the north where poison ivy was. not too difficult to find. challenge was a blindfold tea test. not too bad, got to eat some simple jap fare after that.
third stop-jerry's bbq at jalan kayu. we went to the wrong place at first cos we were too ambitious. anyway, the challenge was to gobble down three super chilli chicky wings by two persons in i think... 3mins. hahah. the moment i looked at the wings, i backed off by at least 200metres. luckily for my two friends, they sacrificed themselves. burn~~~
fourth stop-artz pizza at singa inn. always wanted to try their oven baked, thin crust pizza. however, i had to roll up my sleeves and pin roll pizza dough to a certain size for the challenge. the reward was great though, pizza! yay. although it was cold already. must go back for hot pizza soon.
pit stop-back to showroom. well..... we are not the fastest so too bad, no prizes. pretty fun to spend an afternoon and a shot at a plasma tv.
after the whole fiasco, finally some pictures.
L & J, tired oh....
me with stupid finger pointing to the car decal
and so ends the day.
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