Friday, November 28, 2008

chongqing ONE

haven't really told anyone much about my trip to Chongqing, China, about 3 years ago. what did i do there? oh well, was kinda out of job then and Rich offered me a three month stint as a coffee trainer. took it up and was off to chongqing in feb 2005. it was a wonderful experience, thank you.

here are some photos.

took silkair, the only direct flight. empty!

bye bye stinkapor!

one of the loveliest photos ever taken on a plane


my room for the next 3 months. my backpack, newly bought then.

view from the apartment, 35th floor (if i remembered right). chongqing is a city with many bridges as you can see in the distant.

(having some problems uploading photos.... so to be continued)


  1. these chats r so cool!!!!
    stolen fr which website? =P

  2. to mich:
    what a great idea of the 9 years photos. haha. alas, those came in films.. not digital... and lazy me still have them lying in boxes.

  3. to DQ:
    you meant charts?
    heh. from nea. i shd put a notice there.
