1. ping signed up but ran away to Philippines instead
2. 506 is in 21km category (not for me yet!)
3. ele does not want to run & crawl around in tokyo
got off at wrong station. but thank goodness i know my way. did okay, about 1h 16m for the 10km.
they are using disposable chip this year so it's a souvenir now!

let's start!

see. so crowded. couldn't run properly, quite annoyed.

at the end of the race, ele picked me and we went to Taka for a quick shopping. i think lots of people must have fainted around me.. haha.
saw Domo-kun, lots of him.

then it was time for breakie/lunch. wanted to eat in Riders' Cafe but the queue was beyond us so we chose Mimolette. a little atas place i must say. but the big breakie i had was good! i tried their corned beef with egg.. mmm...
before leaving, friendly horses were spotted. afterall, it was the saddle club.

after a tiring day. i went home and slept from 4pm till the next day.
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