Should I...
+ turn on the tv to watch the news about the Earth Hour on my island and in other countries?
+ surf the internet for videos on how the Eiffel Tower looks like without her lights?
+ drive out to the city to watch the lights go poof for one hour?
mmm. I can't remember what I did last year but let's do something meaningful this year!
I joined a little cycling tour (their website seemed to be down right about.. now) around the city area and watched the lights go poof!
What's best is, no carbon footprints! (okay, I still needed my front/back lights on my bike)
Chanced upon this from the e-newsletter I read from WWF. Let's go!
The ride started from SMU Green. When I got there after a 12km ride from home, I finally understood what the GREEN part meant. Chey.
There were fellow riders waiting as I got there quite early.
There were all kinds of folks and bikes. The organizers came in their Flying Pigeons. So cool, I don't mind having one too! Except that they don't have gears so climbing up hills do tire out the Pigeon riders a little. Ha!
Faaast riders on roadies came too and all togged up in pink.
And not forgetting the dog too! She came with a sling (for babies) and from in there peeked a little black schnauzer.
Of course not forgetting the mtbs!
After a short briefing, we got ready to leave for our 6.something km ride around the city before we hit our destination, Esplanade Park.
The weather was really fantastic! And the skies were pretty.
ooh, lucky lucky, no erp.
Riding on, past Chinatown
Then nearing the CBD
Bus lane! But wait, it's a Saturday evening~~
Passing by more office buildings
Then suddenly a rider from nowhere appeared! Oh, apparently I found out he was late...
And I realized I forgot my cashcard! Darn~
Finally we reached the Esplanade Park and there were some mini events going on. There was a stage where a band was performing and some folks with picnic baskets and all.
Bikes bikes bikes
Folks folks folks
The pigeons!
Some booths at the park
Lights are on. We reached there about 730pm and tried to while away some time.
And the countdown began!
Some folks brought candles
So romantic.... haha.
An hour later, all the lights came back on.
We should do this once a month instead.
Then it was homewards time! Peddle peddle.
Let's all do our part!
A little present, a rechargeable torchlight! No more batteries!!
And nope, of course I did not write this during the Earth Hour.
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