When you spend enough time in your house the whole day, often enough, you will learn to recognize what's going on in the neighborhood.
Early in the morning, about 8am or so, a bell can be heard. It sounded to me like it's part of someone's religious activity. It's high pitch, sharp and it goes on for a while. The best way to describe it would be as if you are trying to dissolve the sugar in your teacup but at a slower pace. So it goes, ting ling ting ling.
Occasionally, the disturbed cries of a man can also be heard. Perhaps he is sick.
At about 11am, the huge engine sound from the rubbish truck comes through the window. As I look out of my window, the collectors are busy trying to cart away a whole day's worth of rubbish. Sometimes, you'll see cars blocking the truck and the collectors would not hesitate to honk the horn loudly!
The most irritating sound of all, in my opinion, would be the garang guni man. There are so many of them and they come almost everyday! Beep bo beep bo! I just feel like throwing the newspaper at them. Wait, they'll take advantage of it instead.
All through the day, you will definitely hear the doggy orchestra. I have learned to recognize this particular dog from a household in my block as it barks constantly. Actually there are two of them which I suspect belongs to the same family. You'll know when the owners are back when the dogs start to bark non-stop and the barks are followed by a loud shout of OEI from the owner, then the fellas will shut up.
As the night goes on, especially after midnight, people get ferried home by other people. I wished the drivers would shut the engine off when their passengers linger on in the cars. This saves them some petrol and saves me a look out of the window to see which idiot is it this time. I can hear the idling of the engine totally.
If you stay up long enough to hit 5am, the rattle of the newspaper delivery van will soon reach the room, to be followed by the sound of the trolley being opened and closed.
Meanwhile, the most soothing sound would be my wind chime who is always busy working when there's a breeze.
Well, what have you heard today?
ms boo, go and koonz lah....stay up a little longer, and u can go for morning ride with me le;) - Ping