she comes for dinner mainly. likes to rush into the house the moment the main door is open and sits where her food is stored. the whole idea is, she likes to roam around the house, like a queen, like this is her palace. excepts that the queen gets chased out of her palace when the REAL queen comes home. haha.
i just found out today from sister something new. sister saw cat downstairs with a malay lady feeding. lady wondered why cat responded when sister calls. the story is, lady used to own cat from kitten until one day cat disappeared and saw cat near next block (lady stays one block away). lady continues to feed cat even tho cat doesnt go home. lady was told by this uncle that cat is fine and taken care by someone (which turned out to be us) so lady is happy.
and lady said cat's name is COCO (or KOKO). ah. the cat's original name. nice.
presenting cat's 101 (or more) sleeping poses.


mmm.. stretching in the dreams

drunk, i think.



not so normal



normal again


dreaming of birds?

a barrel..

i love boxes

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