Monday, March 02, 2009


Got home from work on Sunday at about 1030pm. Heard a dog bark.

'Shhh, it's late already, dog!'

BARKs. BarkS.

Walked up the stairs to get some exercise.

Found a little Jack Russel puppy staring at me. Turns out she was lost. No collar, no tags, no leash. Managed to catch hold of her.

'Where do you stay?'

Pants. PaNTs.

Decided to start looking for her parents from the 21st floor and worked my way down. Met a couple of neighbours.

Neighbour 1 was practising his golf outside his house: 'Nope, I don't own any dog.'

Neighbour 2 was entering her house: 'Nope, not mine, I think it could be 7th floor.'

I went up one floor to the flat and knocked.

BARKSSSS!! Owner came out: 'Nope, not mine.'

Yes, quite obvious, since I could hear yours.

Went down to ground floor and sat on the staircase next to lifts, hoping that JackRussel's owners are frantically looking for her.

My cat appeared and decided to walk past the dog, en route, using THE stairs I was sitting on. Dog stares real hard. BARKS! And just nice, my hand got in the way when I was holding her, got bitten. Thank goodness... puppy teeth. Not much damage.

Waited. Waited. Finally, 45mins after I found Dog, the maid appeared. Took Dog, told me she stays at 12th. Told her, 'please put on a tag'.

I was going to call SPCA soon.

Took the stairs up, saw Cat who was just lazing around, prolly laughing at me for being covered in white doggy hairs.

1 comment:

  1. jack russell sooo cute!!!

    menu so kind heart walk fr 21st floor..

    if me, i bring home as mine liao lo!!!
