Wednesday, January 13, 2010

al fresco (not) fiasco

Ate my lunch at a certain fast-food restaurant at City Hall today. Sat inside because air-con is really a very good invention for a hot day. The seat faced the outdoor al fresco seats so I could have a semi nice view for people-watching.

Halfway through my lunch, I saw the girl who was seated with her colleagues, begin to flail her arms frantically. There was a bird or an insect of some sorts, hence the arms-waving. She continued to shoo away the foreign flying object (let's call it FFO) and I noticed that (too bad) her Blackberry did not fly off from her hands. Let's call her Blakberri.

FFO continued to fly around the dining area and the next to jump was Burger Man. He grabbed his half-eaten burger and RAN about 3metres away from his table, leaving his fries and coke. Point to note, Burger Man's description:
- about 1.65m
- colored blonde hair
- funky clothes
- tattooed arms

Squeaky Girl and her boyfriend Mr. Smiles, who were sitting next to Burger Man, were the next table to be 'attacked'. Squeaky Girl jumped up and out of her seat, about an arm's length away. Mr. Smiles was laughing at Squeaky Girl for being so panicky while Squeaky Girl kept asking him to join her in the safer area. He relented.

Not knowing what was happening, Where-shall-I-Sit Gal wandered around with her tray of food. Only when she realised that the area was under attack, I saw the panic in her eyes. She held on fast to her tray and froze on the spot.

FFO flew back to Blakberri's table and yet again, her phone failed to protect her.

Then, FFO flew back to Squeaky Girl's table.

Wanting to use his super powers, Mr. Save-The-Day (who happened to be Blakberry's colleague) stood up and marched over with an empty paper cup to capture FFO. Because unlike other superheroes, I do not have a curved vision, so I couldn't see how Mr. Save-The-Day saved the day. All I knew was he walked back to his table with a truimphant look.

FFO was trapped.

Peace returned to the dining area and life resumed.

Thanks to the hero. What an exciting day.

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