i did it again....
i bought the nike flight in late november 2008. it died on 2 april 2009. as usual, the right side went kaputs. i starting using the nike flight for regular commuting purposes because....
the panasonic one that my sister gave me, died in late march 2009. cause of death, gone deaf in the right ear. figured that was too cheap to be repaired so i used nike flight to replace until i figured out something.
ALAS. nike flight died too.
so i decided to go to sim lim sq. to repair my seinheisser. the one that also gave up on me on one side. but that pair seems to be worth saving. so off i went to sim lim.
found the shop that does shouldering (sorry did i spell it right?)
uncle checked out my nike flight and said, sorry no hope.

he checked my seinhesser and said okay, please pay 8 bucks.
whooppee! i got it done! see... although the jack looks slightly thick, that is okay with me totally!

then... i wanted to buy a new pair, for my jogging purpose. couldn't decide what type to get.
should i buy a cheap pair and used till its life is up
should i buy a more expensive pair meant for sports
hmm.... i really think the seinheisser sports edition is not too bad. however, i simply cannot get over the green, the only color, that they come in.
in the end, i settled on my very old school sony one which i used to have.

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